Journées de la
Diffusion Neutronique
Saint-Martin-de-Londres, September 16-19 2019 English version  Version française 
Soft Matter
& Biology

Condensed Matter
& Magnetism

March 10th, 2019

SFN PhD Award application

June 20th, 2019

Abstract submission
(oral and poster)

July 15th, 2019

Conference registration
Conference poster

Affiche des JDN2019

  • Le booklet of abstracts can be downloaded here.
  • The program of the conference and the list of participants are online.
  • Presentation
    plage The French Neutron Society (SFN) organises, with the neutron facilities Institut Laue-Langevin and Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, the Neutron Scattering Meeting 2019 (JDN2019), in Saint-Martin-de-Londres (Hérault, France), from September 16th to 19th, 2019.
    This multidisciplinary workshop (traditionnally entitled "Rencontres Rossat-Mignod") will be dedicated to new results, obtained using neutron scattering techniques, in various scientific domains representative of the whole neutron users community.
    A retrospective about the reactor Orphée (Saclay, France), as well as two plenary conferences on each topic Soft Matter / Biology and Condensed Matter / Magnetism, are organized. The oral communications will be held in two parallel sessions for the two topics mentionned above. A Poster session, encompassing all the scientific topics cited above, will also take place.

    Abstracts should be sent by e-mail before June 20th, 2019. To do so please follow the link : submit an abstract.

    The aim of this meeting is :
    • to strengthen links between French neutron scattering users,
    • to provide a place where advances resulting from neutron scattering experiments can be presented and discussed in a friendly and stimulating environment,
    • to inform the users community about the evolution of neutron facilities in France and abroad, and about the development of new neutron techniques, instrumentation, and their applications,
    • to welcome and promote the work of young neutron users.
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