Topics |
Biology & Environment -
Condensed Matter -
Magnetism -
Soft Matter -
Instrumentation -
Deadlines |
- Registration to the SFN PhD Award
- Abstract submission (talks)
- Conference registration
- Abstract submission (posters)
Conference poster |
Presentation |
The French Neutron Society (SFN) organises with the Institut Laue Langevin and the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin neutron facilities
the Neutron Diffusion Meeting 2017 (JDN2017) , in the Vacanciel holiday village of Carry le Rouet (Bouches du Rhône, France), from May 29 to May 31, 2017.
This multidisciplinary workshop (traditionnally entitled "Rencontres Rossat-Mignod") will be dedicated to new results,
obtained using neutron scattering techniques, in various scientific domains representative of the whole neutron users community.
Five sessions will be organised, in Magnetism, Soft Matter and Environment, Condensed Matter, and Biology. Each session will be introduced by an
invited talk, which will be followed by a series of shorter oral communications. A Poster session, encompassing all the scientific topics cited above,
and an Instrumentation session, will also take place.
Abstracts for oral presentations should be sent by e-mail before April 10th, 2017. To do so please follow the link
Abstract submission.
The aim of this meeting is :
- to strengthen links between French neutron scattering users
- to provide a place where advances resulting from neutron scattering experiments
can be presented and discussed in a friendly and stimulating environment,
- to inform the user's community about the evolution of neutron facilities in France andr abroad, and about the development of
new neutron techniques, instrumentation, and their applications
- to welcome and promote the work of young neutron users